Monday, February 15, 2016

Mobile Friendly DarwiNet

As we prep to launch the newly revamped DarwiNet Manager and Employee Self Service product, I wanted to point out how the site renders nicely on Mobile sites.

Instead of having "Desktop" and "Mobile" sites, DarwiNet renders by detecting the device, keeping a seamless experience for the user across all devices.

You can compare the Dashboard across a desktop, tablet and phone below.




As you can see, the website automatically re-orders and re-sizes logically based on the device that is being used, but maintains a consistent User Experience (UX).

This modern UX will allow clients and employees to submit time, approve PTO, approve Invoices, review pay stubs etc without having to learn different websites or Apps depending on what device they are using.  When they move from a laptop to a phone, it is the same experience.

The same holds true for the more graphical features in the new UX.  The Insight and ACA dashboards provide quick overview and detailed analysis of various areas of the PEO/ASO and Clients.  Once again,  a similar experience across devices:



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As the progress for developing the core classes for the ThinkWare University remote learning programs continues, more clarity on the value to our clients has developed.

When these programs are available for our client's use this Spring, the benefits can be:

1.  Lower costs for knowledge and skill development

    • The direct cost will be less than the $150 / hour for our current option - one-on-one phone / web conference
    • Less time will be needed to learn new skills due to the simplified learning methodologies used in ThinkWare University classes
    • Less lost time if more of your employees are cross trained (e.g. when a person who processes your payroll is on vacation or leaves your company, a cross trained employee can temporarily take over process payroll more readily than an untrained employee)

2. Your staff will remember how to use the software

    • Due to the repetition in the learning programs (e.g. participants run a payroll at least 10 times in the basics of payroll processing class)
    • Due to the simplification of the functions / processes learned (e.g. the basics payroll process starts with the core 9 steps and then adds options as the class progresses)

Friday, February 12, 2016

We are close to releasing our New DarwiNet Version.  This preview video showcases the new DarwiNet release. The preview displays the redesigned dashboard, insight reporting, search features, ACA Analysis, mobile and more.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Darwin 10.66 is available on the ThinkWare website. The release contains updates for 1099s and the OSHA 300A form in Darwin 10.

Friday, January 1, 2016


With our new Leader of Training and Consulting firmly entrenched in his work at ThinkWare, new programs and new learning options will be released in 2016.

One of the improvements will be the variety of learning options available.  Most of the knowledge transfer done for you as clients has been through phone training.  Phone training is where one of our technical staff is with you or one of your co-workers on an online web session. In these sessions, a primary focus is for our subject matter expert to show you how a particular use of the software.  One example is to show you how to export information from Darwin software to a time sheet.

Periodically, in the past, we have provided some hands on training in Cincinnati.  One example of this is the year end workshop.  We will continue offering these hands on training sessions.

In 2016, we will be adding more hands on learning options.  These will be online programs.  The methodology of these programs is having the participants spend a high percentage of the time doing exercises repetitively to help accelerate their learning.  One example of this will be a class on processing a payroll.  In this class, we will first have the learner walk through a simple payroll (e.g. all salary staff) together with the trainer.  Then they will run a similar payroll on their own.  Then we will walk through a payroll with time sheets.  Again the participant will do it on their own.  Progressively, we will add more complexity to each round of running a payroll.  By the end of the session, the attendee will have run numerous payrolls on their own.  We know, from experience, that will will help build skill during the training.  Our objective for this type of learning is not only to build knowledge (I understand how this is done); but to build skill (I know how to do this).

These online programs will primarily be on areas needed for a new employee at your company. For example, if you hire a new payroll processing person who has not processed a payroll using Darwin software, they would attend the payroll processing program.

We also plan on releasing "how to" web sessions.  These are a demonstration of how the software functions.  These will be primarily focused on new releases.  This mode of learning will primarily be used when the complexity of the process is low.  One example is the new DNet interface.  Because our developers made the interface more graphically simple, we expect many of our clients will acclimate to the new interface readily (and maybe even without any help from ThinkWare learning tools).

We expect our work on developing new learning programs for you will lessen the amount of time you spend using the software because you are more adept at using the functions of the software.
